Monday, September 24, 2007

A late start...

Does everybody matter?

Yes and no. While everbody should matter, and everbody does matter to somebody, no one matters to everbody, especially not the "little people" in corporate America's supply chains.

Realistically, those at the bottom of the chain, the workers and children in China and Mexico, are replaceable and matter little unless they can gain the publicity to bring a complaint against the company. Numbers and cameras can matter, though individual people do not.

It should be a value in PR to always remember these "little people" and their importance to the foundation of our company, to take responsibility and to act accordingly in their interests, too.

Whether this corporate responsibility is based on its intrinsic value to people or whether it is useful in gaining publicity and customers (Starbucks, anyone?), it at least helps to make things a little bit better for the people at the bottom.

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